
What is Complex PTSD and Do You Have It?

C-PTSD is a psychological disorder that results from a series of repetitive, traumatic events from which the individual sees little chance for escape.


The Do’s and Don’ts of Texting in a New Relationship

Interpreting texts through the lens of your own emotions and experience can sabotage a developing connection

Measuring Male-to-Female Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

A rough overview of five categories of sexual harassment in the workplace, from worst-case scenarios to the most innocuous.

How to Deal With Your Partner’s Ex

How to Deal With Your Partner’s Ex

Encouraging positive communication between your partner and their ex brings peace to your new home and creates a system that has significantly less hostility than would otherwise be the case.

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Is it ‘Too Soon’ in the Relationship for Sex?

Is it ‘Too Soon’ in the Relationship for Sex?

As painful as it is—and as backward as it seems—there is a common experience in which a woman sleeps with a man in the hopes that sex will encourage a more consistent relationship, and then is disappointed when it doesn’t work.

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Resilience Will Help Free You From Your Past

Resilience Will Help Free You From Your Past

If your past experiences and relationships were so painfully negative and fraught with shame and betrayal that you feel permanently marked by them in your current life, it’s okay to work on letting go and evolving beyond this dead weight.

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Hillary knows…How did you first learn the story of Rosa Parks, whose birthday was yesterday? Too often, we hear about her refusal to give up her seat on an Alabama bus as a single, inevitable act. It was not. Parks spent years studying the principles of non-violent resistance, informing her political beliefs, and helping to grow a community of activists. Her bus protest was not just an act of courage, but of clear-eyed conviction. It also led to Parks's tireless organizing to keep the Montgomery bus boycott going, and a lifetime of taking action around causes she cared about, often with no recognition and at enormous personal risk. She understood better than anyone that progress takes decades of hard work, persistence, and the courage to keep going. #gutsywomenPhoto: Montgomery Sheriff's Office ... See MoreSee Less
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Dr Suzanne Lachmann updated their profile picture.
Dr Suzanne Lachmann
Making the brain a more comfortable place to live every chance I get. ... See MoreSee Less
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