After Breakup, This Is Your Process

After Breakup, This Is Your Process

There are things you know you should do: eat well, exercise, be civil with telemarketers. But then there are other things—things that are more challenging, like finally ending a failing relationship or letting go of your ex. Most of us have been to both these places....
Breakup Joins Grief with Withdrawal: Here’s How To Move Beyond

Breakup Joins Grief with Withdrawal: Here’s How To Move Beyond

A relationship can be a living, breathing entity that you and your partner co-create. A relationship can also be a literal chemical addiction. So, a breakup joins two of life’s most challenging experiences: paralyzing grief and the overwhelming physical and emotional...
Investing in Feeling Bad Keeps You From Feeling Good

Investing in Feeling Bad Keeps You From Feeling Good

Are you interested in someone? Is he or she interested in you? Maybe—but it’s a lot easier to assume not, because if you lower your expectations, there’s much less far to fall. This tendency to manage expectations and keep them low is meant to be protective. The...